We experience various emotional, psychological and physical changes as we age, some of which are our sleeping patterns and routines. Whether you become tired earlier, have trouble sleeping, experience disturbances throughout the night or other issues, we’re here to share some helpful ways to make this change as positive as possible.
Consistency is Key
If you lack a consistent and regular sleep schedule, now’s the time to make a change. Make an effort to go to bed and wake up at the same time each night and morning, including weekends. This will maintain the timing of your body’s internal clock, allowing you to fall asleep and wake up easier. While the routine may not be perfect every night, having somewhat of a sleep routine is better than no routine at all.
Invest in a Comfortable Bed
The fix to your sleeping problem might be as simple as upgrading your bed! Consider an adjustable bed, like the Flexabed, so, you can easily adjust the position to what’s most comfortable for you. With the push of a button, you can experience a more restful and relaxing sleep as it takes the strain off of your aching muscles.
Assess Your Diet
What you eat is not something people often think about when they’re having sleep issues. Believe it or not, there are many foods that can cause issues when you’re trying to sleep and affect the quality of your sleep. Some things to avoid, especially close to bedtime, includes alcohol, high-fat meals, spicy foods, soda, sugary sweets and more. Another helpful hint is to avoid eating right before bed since it can interfere with your body’s winding-down and relaxation process.
Limit the Nighttime Bathroom Trips
Your body often wakes itself up when it needs to take a trip to the bathroom, so avoiding this is as simple as not drinking as many fluids before bed. Get the proper amount of water in your system earlier in the day and be sure to use the bathroom right before you go to sleep.
Burn Some Energy
Spend some time exercising each day so your body is worn out when bedtime comes around. It doesn’t have to be an intense, full-body workout each day – even a walk around the neighborhood or a quick 10-minute workout video will do the trick. While you can get a workout in any time of the day, try to avoid exercising within 3 hours of your bedtime to allow your body some time to decrease its heart rate and relax.
Skip the Naps
As tempting as a mid-afternoon nap can be, it may be the cause of your nighttime sleep problems. You may feel slightly tired during the day but giving your body too much rest can keep you awake when it’s time for bed. If you’re getting a decent amount of sleep each night, a nap might not be as necessary as you think.
Your sleep schedule shouldn’t be taken lightly as it has major effects on your physical and emotional wellbeing. By following some of these tips and making changes to your sleep, you’ll see major positive outcomes in many areas of your life! If you have any questions about the products or services we offer and are curious how we can help you, contact us today!